ASX Announcements
Becoming a substantial holder
Triple Talent Enterprises Ltd advises that it has become a substantial holder of Globe.
Change in substantial holding
Globe advises there has been a change in the interests of substantial holder, Ao-Zhong International Mineral Resources Pty Ltd.
Change in substantial holding
Globe advises there has been a change in the interests of substantial holder, Apollo Metals Investment Company Limited.
Appendix 3Y - Alice Wong
Globe advises a change of director’s interest for Director Alice Wong.
Application for quotation of securities - GBE
Globe applies for quotation of 131,013,867 ordinary fully paid shares.
Results of Entitlement Offer
Globe is pleased to announce the results of its pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise up to approximately $8 million (before costs).
Appointment of Market Consultant
Globe is pleased to advise the appointment of Mr Rogerio Magalhães Pastore as a consultant to assist Globe with marketing of its niobium oxide and metals products, negotiating offtakes and generating strategic business opportunities.
Notice to Ineligible Shareholders - Entitlement Offer
Globe provides notice to ineligible shareholders in relation to its pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise up to approximately $8 million.
Entitlement Offer open and dispatch of Prospectus
Globe advises that its pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise up to approximately $8 million (before costs) is now open and the Prospectus has been dispatched to eligible shareholders.
Update - Proposed issue of securities - GBE
Globe announces an update to the proposed issue of equity securities under its prospectus for a pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise approximately $8 million (before expenses)
Notice to Optionholders - Entitlement Offer
Globe provides information to optionholders regarding participation in the Entitlement Offer.
Investor Presentation
Globe provides an updated Investor Presentation for the Kanyika Niobium Project.
Proposed issue of securities - GBE
Globe announces the proposed issue of equity securities under its prospectus for a pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise approximately $8 million (before expenses)
Entitlement Offer Prospectus
Globe releases its prospectus for a pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to eligible shareholders of up to 217,186,584 new shares at an issue price of $0.037 per new share on the basis of 3 new shares for every 7 shares held on the record date to raise approximately $8 million (before expenses).
Entitlement Offer to raise up to $8 million
Globe is pleased to announce it is undertaking a 3 for 7 entitlement offer at $0.037 per new share to raise approximately $8 million (before expenses).
Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report
Globe provides its Quarterly Activities Report and Cash Flow Report for the quarter ended 30 June 2023.
Tranche Two Placement - Update
Globe provides an update on the status of tranche two of its placement to sophisticated and professional investors as announced to the market on 18 November 2022.
Notification regarding unquoted securities - GBE
Globe provides notification of the issue of securities to executives and senior management under the Company’s ESOP.
Change in substantial holding
Globe advises there has been a change in the interests of substantial holder, Apollo Metals Investment Company Limited.