Corporate Governance
Globe is committed to implementing and maintaining high standards of corporate governance.
As a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, we believe that adopting, and operating in accordance with, high standards of corporate governance is crucial to sustainable long term performance and value creation.
Globe’s corporate governance arrangements are determined by the Board having regard to the particular circumstances of Globe’s business and operations, and the interests of Globe’s shareholders and other stakeholders.
Corporate Governance Statement
Globe’s Corporate Governance Statement reports on the Company’s key governance principles and practices.
The Corporate Governance Statement also discloses the extent to which the Company has followed the ASX Principles and Recommendations during a particular reporting period.
Globe’s 2024 Corporate Governance Statement, which is current at 29 October 2024 and has been approved by the Board, is available by clicking on the link below.
Corporate Governance Framework
Globe’s Board has adopted a suite of charters and key corporate governance documents which articulate the governance policies and practices followed by the Company. These documents are reviewed at least annually to address changes in governance practices and the law and are available by clicking on the links below.
As part of Globe’s corporate governance framework, the Board has established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee to enable the Company to identify, attract, retain and motivate suitably qualified directors and senior executives.
In accordance with the ASX Principles and Recommendations, the Board has also established an Audit and Risk Committee with primary responsibility for financial matters, including audit and financial reporting obligations and the identification and management of risk.
In February 2022, an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee was established to focus on Globe’s ESG responsibilities and to oversee all other non-financial areas of governance and compliance.
Charters for each of these Committees are available by clicking on the links below.